Have received lots of notes from several colleagues as well, plus there are my own observations and the notes from the reading itself. Quite a lot to digest, and have to confess it’s been a good break from working on it, as the necessary distancing between the script and my sense of ownership occurs. At this phase, to rewrite, I must elicit a certain brutality -(Faulkner’s darlings-must-be-killed; that means watch out for ETIOM – Effects That Impress Only Me…).
Tuesday, met with Peter Papazoglou, director for the next phase – workshopping the play before an audience over the next couple weeks.
Over coffee (at Starbucks) Peter had very incisive comments re structure and lots of logic questions.
You know, I spend entirely too much time talking about my approach. But what might be interesting: the approach has been somewhat story-mystical, if that makes any sense. It’s largely been world-building and character voice. The thinking was, we needed a really present world to ‘set’ the story (gemologically) best. Logic can suffer with that approach. Once you know the sense of the world, and the way the characters talk and feel about each other.
Been a quiet phase, but things are about to get hot again… cranking a new draft to the cast by mid-weekend. Been experimenting with a new character, one of the genetic scientists who built the Bush. Strong chance, he could be scaffolding soon. There are so many dimensions to this world that I must leave out of the play. There is enough to this fictional world to make a whole series. Hmmm….