This is page 1 of A Cop Story, intended to be a full-length Lemmings story.
It isn’t dated, so I had to go on the first-run lemmings logo (I tried out quite a few logos before landing on the one in the Collegian). I believe I did these pages just before the run in the Kenyon Collegian, since the art is close to the style I used in the Collegian.
If there is sufficient clamor, (as in, if anybody cares, anywhere) I will finish it.
This one was given as a gift to my Dad for one of his birthdays, and hung on the wall in my parents’ house a long time. When my Dad heard I was sharing these comics, he let me borrow it for scanning. Isn’t he great?
I’m placing this at the end of Series 1, since it’s using the older logo.
After ending the strike, I took a temporary hiatus from Lemmings which turned into a permanent hiatus. There’s really no such thing as a permanent hiatus because a hiatus is an implied break after which you’re supposed to go back to doing what you were doing.
At that point, I started working on a single-panel strip called Daily Angst, very inspired by B. Kliban (an artist I greatly admire, and as to those who think he only did that best-selling Cat book, he was far more ambitious than that).
I was only beginning to realize how much Lemmings had turned from a sort of comedy-philosophy approach to a decidedly political strip. I wasn’t sure if it needed a reboot.
A dated reference (Charlton Heston) but the strip still mostly holds up. And it introduces Da Mayor, who will definitely figure in any future rendition of the strip.
Finally, it firmly resurrects Ace Rohmer, via standard comix resurrection technology. And suddenly we have humanoid characters in the strip. Which put Lemmings in the class of heterogeneous human/comix hybrid worlds, like Bone (apologies to the brilliant Jeff Smith).
This strip introduces Ace Rohmer, a running character. It appears from the events in this strip that I killed him off immediately. But he’s a comix character, so I could always:
C) Use the Time Stone to grab a younger version of him — or even better, visit him the morning of his accident to warn him. Of course I’d have to steal it from Thanos, and that would take some doing.
The possibilities are virtually endless. I love comix.
After this comic came out, it turned out few (or possibly no) people got the final joke (cf. the Dostoyevsky novel The Idiot). I should have taken pause after explaining to many indignant readers. Which led to long talks about the (brilliant) work of Dostoyevsky. Some time later I actually read The Idiot. It’s really really good.
You know what they say about jokes. If you have to explain them…